Thursday, December 17, 2015


 Assalamualaikum, . .
         Hai reader's, ini tulisan pertama ku di blog yg baru di buat beberapa hari lalu, awalnya aku bingung ingin menulis apa tapi sambil duduk di kursi depan tv aku melihat tumpukan jurnal tentang skripsi ku yg berjudul hemangioma. Berikut beberapa penjelasan singkat mengenai hemangioma:
              Hemangioma merupakan suatu neoplasma jinak pembuluh darah yg berasal dari proliferasi sel endotel pembuluh darah, terdiri atas pembuluh darah baru. Etiologi hemangioma masih belum jelas. Hemangioma banyak ditemukan pada bayi lahir prematur atau berat badan bayi < 1000gr serta paling banyak terjadi pada perempuan dibanding laki-laki (3:1). Hemangioma ditandai dengan adanya fase proliferasi dan fase involusi. Meskipun hemangioma banyak ditemukan pada bayi, hemangioma juga dapat terjadi pada usia 30-50 tahun.
       Gambaran klinis hemangioma berdasarkan kedalam lesi dibagi kedalam hemangioma superfisial, hemangioma dalam, dan hemangioma campuran.
  • Hemangioma superfisial : Terletak di permukaan kulit, berbentuk kubah , plak, atau nodula. Berwarna merah terang hingga merah tua
  • Hemangioma dalam : Sering timbul pada jaringan subkutan, berbentuk nodul setengah padat. Berwarna kebiruan karena jaringan vena lebih menonjol atau terlihat seperti teleangiektasia, dan saat dipalpasi lesi terasa hangat.
  • Hemangioma campuran : Memiliki kedua komponen hemangioma superfisial dan hemangioma dalam. Gambaran lesi berwarna merah terang pada bagian superfisial dan berbentuk nodul kebiruan pada bagian dalam.
Hemangioma superfisial

Cavernous hemangioma..png
Hemangioma dalam
Hemangioma campuran

    Gambaran radiografi hemangioma pada jaringan keras lebih mudah diinterpretasi dibandingkan hemangioma pada jaringan lunak. Gambaran radiografi hemangioma pada jaringan keras terlihat seperti sarang lebah (honey comb) atau gelembung sabun (soap bubble). Berdasarkan gamabaran histologi hemangioma di bagi menjadi hemangioma kapiler, hemangioma kavernosus, dan hemangioma campuran.
      Ciri khas hemangioma dibandingkan dengan lesi pembuluh darah lain yakni saat dilakukan diaskopi pada lesi maka lesi akan memucat. Hemangioma sering di temukan di daerah wajah dan leher, namun jarang ditemukan di rongga mulut. Pengobatan hemangioma didasarkan pada ukuran lesi, kedalaman lesi, lokasi lesi, dan fase pertumbuhan lesi serta usia pasien. Pada anak-anak, sebagian besar kasus hemangioma tidak membutuhkan perawatan karena lesi mengalami involusi atau kemunduran pertumbuhan secara spontan setelah satu tahun kelahiran dan akan menghilang dengan sendirinya, tetapi sebanyak 10-20% kasus, lesi tidak dapat sembuh secara total dan komplikasi yg ditimbulkan akibat ukuran serta lokasi lesi menyebabkan pengobatan hemangioma perlu diperhatikan. Beberapa komplikasi yg ditimbulkan berupa rasa sakit, infeksi, ulserasi, perdarahan, trombositopenia sedang dan bahkan dapat menyebabkan anemia berat. Pengobatan hemangioma dapat dilakukan secara bedah ataupun non bedah. Pengobatan secara non bedah yakni menggunaka kortikosteroid, interferon, laser, agen sklerosing, bleomisin, vinkristin, terapi radiasi atau kompresi. Pengobatan hemangioma memiliki keuntungan dan kerugian, tergantung pada keahlian operator selama perawatan.
      Demikian ulasan singkat mengenai penyakit ini. Semoga tulisan ini dapat menambah wawasan bagi yg membacanya. Tetap semangat, berpikir positif, dan tersenyumlah  ^0^
Wass, . .


Nila Agustina Fratiwi1, Adiprabowo Jaktiono2, Purwandito Pujoraharjo3, Tjipto Agus S4

1 Student of Dentistry Program, Faculty of Medicine, Sriwijaya University, Indralaya, Palembang
2 Master of Oral Surgery, Dr. Mohammad Hoesin Central General Hospital Palembang
3 Dentist staff in Dr. Mohammad Hoesin Central General  Hospital, Palembang
4 Master of Oral Medicine, Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta

Hemangioma is a benign tumor of blood vessels that frequently occur on the face and neck, while the area of the oral cavity is rare. The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of oral hemangioma in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM) in the periode January 2010 to December 2014. This type of research is descriptive survei. Was done at the medical records using ICD 10 and in a departement of  anatomic pathology RSCM periode January 2010 to December 2014. 111 cases of hemangioma in RSCM, 13 cases (11,7%) is an oral hemangioma. By histology features, the prevalence of capillary hemangioma were 7 cases (53,8%), cavernous hemangioma were 4 cases (30,8%), and mixed hemangioma were 2 cases (15,4%). The most frequent location of oral hemangioma was in the lip with 6 cases (46,1%), then in the buccal mucosa 4 cases (30,8%), 2 cases (15,4%) in the tongue, and 1 case (7,7%) in the gingival. Hemangioma is the most prevalent between the ages of 0-12 years and more common in women than men. Management of oral hemangioma in RSCM include surgical excision, sclerosing agent, propanolol, bleomycin, PRC transfusion and injection VCR and extirpation. Conclusion of this study are capillary hemangioma is a type of hemangioma is the most common. In the oral region, the most common location is the lip. Hemangiomas usually present in children and young adult with the highest prevalence among women. Surgical axcision is the choice hemangioma treatment procedures in RSCM.

Key words : hemangiomas; type of hemangioma, location of the lesion, age, treatment
Dilla Novia Amrilani1, Sri Wahyuni R2, Trisnawaty K3

Background: Accumulation of plaque and debris on denture surface facing mucosa can be contaminated by C. albicans that can cause denture stomatitis. One method to clean the denture is by using a denture cleaning solution.  One of the herbal plants that can be developed as a denture cleanser material is bay leaves, because it has been known having antifungal activity. Purpose: To determine the effectiveness of bay leaf extract compared with chemicals denture cleaning solution (Polident®) in reducing the growth of C. albicans in denture base acrylic. Methods: This study was an experimental laboratory in vitro. Acrylic resin plate with a size of 10x10x1 mm that contaminated by C. albicans were grouped into 5 groups each consisted of 5 samples to be immersed for 30 minutes in ethanolic extract of bay leaf consentration of 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%, and Polident®. C. albicans found in the sample was transferred to the saline solution and then cultured on agar medium. C. albicans colonies that grew were counted in units of CFU/ml. The data were analyzed by using the Kruskal-Wallis test (α=0,05) and was followed by Mann-Whitney test (p<0,05). Results: Bay leaf extract concentration of 75% had a significant difference in reducing the growth of C. albicans compared with concentration of 25% and 50%. Bay leaf extract concentration of 100% showed a less number of C. albicans colonies significantly different compared with the other concentrations groups, but the means difference of those number was not significant when it was compared to Polident®.. Conclusion: Bay leaf extract 100% had similar ability with the Polident® to inhibit the growth of  C. albicans.
Key word: Candida albicans, Bay leaves, Polident®